Pedro José Arrifano Tadeu [coordenador Guarda]
INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DA GUARDA • 0000-0002-0698-400X | D61B-0E14-0121
Messina, F., Tadeu, P. (2024). Construction and Validation of a Survey on the Technological Difficulties in Italian Secondary Schools: The Mathematics Teacher Case. Education Sciences, 14(10), 1120.
Melguizo-Ibáñez, E., Zurita-Ortega, F., González-Valero, G., Puertas-Molero, P., Tadeu, P., Ubago-Jiménez, J. L., Alonso-Vargas, J. M. (2024). Active break as a tool for improving attention in the educational context. A systematic review and meta-analysisLos descansos activos como herramienta para mejorar la atención en el contexto educativo. Una revisión sistemática y meta-análisis. Revista de Psicodidáctica, 29(2), 147-157.
Rodríguez-Ferrer, J. M., Manzano León, A., Tadeu, P., Camacho-Sánchez, R., & Aguilar-Parra, J. M. (2024). Gamification to Engage Healthy Habits in Socially Deprived Secondary School Students. Retos, 53, 539–546.
Tadeu, P. (2024). A synopsis of the importance of teaching fractions to children until K-10. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 20(8).
Tadeu, P., Ribeiro, M. do C., Kaya, M., Takunyacı, M., Rosa da Fonseca, J., & Carmona, D. A. (2023). Three continents, three countries: the remote education by higher education students in the pandemic time. IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, (19), 52–66.
Arrifano Tadeu, P., & Brigas, C. (2022). El pensamiento computacional en educación infantil: una análisis a través del Computer Science Unplugged. Revista Interuniversitaria De Formación Del Profesorado. Continuación De La Antigua Revista De Escuelas Normales, 97(36.2).
Fernández-Batanero, J. M., Montenegro-Rueda, M., Fernández-Cerero, J., Tadeu, P. (2022). Online education in higher education: emerging solutions in crisis times. Heliyon, 8(8), e10139.
García-Martínez, I., Tadeu, P., Montenegro-Rueda, M., Fernández-Batanero, J. M. (2022). Networking for online teacher collaboration. Interactive Learning Environments, 1736-1750. Doi: 10.1080/10494820.2020.1764057
Brito, E., Gomes, F. N., Tadeu, P. & Brigas, C. (2021). Analysis of a portuguese HEI teachers experience in the context of COVID-19. Texto Livre: Linguagem e Tecnologia, 14(2). DOI: 10.35699/1983-3652.2021.33579
Fernández Batanero, J.M., Rueda, M.M., Cerero, J.F. & Tadeu, P. (2021). Impact of ICT on students with disability in the field physical education: A systematic review | Impacto de las TIC en el alumnado con discapacidad en el área de educación Física: Una revisión sistemática. Retos, 39, 21-28. DOI: 10.47197/retos.v0i39.78602
Román-Graván, P., Manuel Pérez-Hurtado, D. & Tadeu, P. (2021). Active aging and internet use to improve the quality of life of the seniors |Envejecimiento activo y uso de internet para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas mayores. Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion, 60, 109-134. DOI: 10.12795/PIXELBIT.76963
Batanero, J., Montenegro-Rueda, M., Fernández-Cerero, J., Tadeu, P. (2020). Formación del profesorado y TIC para el alumnado com discapacidad: Una revisión sistemática. Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial, 26(4), 711-732. Doi: 10.1590/1980-54702020v26e0078
García-Martínez, I., Tadeu, P., Pérez-Ferra, M., Ubago-Jiménez, J. L. (2020). Building a common project by promoting pedagogical coordination and educational leadership for schoolimprovement: A structural equation model. Social Sciences, 9(4), 52. Doi: 10.3390/socsci9040052
García-Martínez, I., Tadeu, P., Ubago-Jiménez, J. L., Brigas, C. (2020). Pedagogical coordination in secondary schools from a distributed perspective. Adaptation of the Distributed Leadership Inventory (DLI) in the Spanish context. Education Sciences, 10(7), 175. Doi: 10.3390/educsci10070175
Tadeu, P. (2020). La competencia científicotecnológica en la formación del futuro docente: algunos aspectos de la autopercepción con respeto a la integración de las TIC en el aula. Educatio Siglo XXI, 38(3), pp. 37-54.
Delgado, A. L., Olmedo, E., Tadeu, P., Batanero, J. M. (2019). Proposal of mobile applications conditions to develop a Personal Accessibility Environment for users with visual disabilities in Smart Cities, Propuesta de las condiciones de las Aplicaciones móviles, para la construcción de un Entorno de Accesibilidad Personal para usuarios con discapacidad visual en las Smart Cities. Aula Abierta, 48(2), 193-201. Doi: 10.17811/rifie.48.2.2019.193-202
Fernández-Batanero, J. M., Tadeu, P. (2019). Inclusive education and ICT, Presentación del número Educación inclusiva y TIC. Aula Abierta, 48(2), 125-127.
Batanero, J., Tadeu, P., Cabero, J. (2018). Ict and disabilities. Construction of a diagnostic instrument in Spain. Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 9(3), 332-350. doi: 10.17499/jsser.07916
García-Martínez, I., Tadeu, P. (2018). The influence of pedagogical leadership on the construction of professional identity. Systematic review. Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 9(3), 145-162. doi: 10.17499/jsser.90982
García-Martínez, I., Ubago-Jiménez, J., López-Burgos, J., & Tadeu, P. (2018). The Pedagogical Leadership of the Mathematics Faculty: A Systematic Review. Education Sciences, 8(4), 217.
Sarmento, H., Figueiredo, A., Lago-Peñas, C., Milanovic, Z., Barbosa, A., Tadeu, P., Bradley, P.S. (2018). Influence of tactical and situational variables on offensive sequences during elite football matches. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 32(8), 2331-2339. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002147
Tadeu, P. (2024). Exploring the Role of Statistical Analysis in Criminology from an Educational Point of View. International e-Journal of Educational Studies, 8(18), 224-233.
Kivanç, T., Çötok, N. A., Kaya, M., Tadeu, P., Acibal, B. (2023). An Analysis of the November 25 Prevention of Violence against Women Public Service Advertisement Published in Turkey in the Fight against Violence. Journal of Family, Counseling and Education, 7(2), 1-19.
Fonseca, D. A. C., Tadeu, P. (2022). Experiências didático-pedagógicas em tempos emergenciais: vozes e percepções de alunos lusos e brasileiros. Revista Panorâmica Online, 35, 198-216. Retrieved from
Tadeu, P. & Brigas, C. (2022). Multiple Intelligence’s and Computational Thinking. Journal of Computer and Education Research , 10(19), 1-17. DOI: 10.18009/jcer.1027934
León, A. M., Tadeu, P. (2022). Escape rooms educativos: una experiencia en una universidad portuguesa. Revista Infad de Psicología: International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology.
Tadeu, P. (2020). La competencia científico-tecnológica en la formación del futuro docente: Algunos aspectos de la autopercepción en respeto a la integración de las TIC en el aula. Educatio Siglo XXI, 38(3 Nov-Feb), 37-54. Doi: 10.6018/educatio.413821
Fernández Batanero, J.M. y Tadeu, P. (2019). Educación emocional y TIC. Emociones: revista de expresión y comunicación emocional, 3, 64-73.
Fernández-Batanero, J. M., Tadeu, P. (2019). ICT and Functional Diversity. Obstacles to Training Teachers in the Autonomous Community of Castile and Leon (SPAIN). SISYPHUS – Journal of Education, 7(1), 31-45. doi: 10.25749/sis.15272
Rodriguez Hernández, M. de las M., & Tadeu, P. (2019). Una de conejos. Análisis estadístico para la creación de juegos de azar para niños. European Journal of Child Development, Education and Psychopathology, 7(2), 133–144.
Tadeu, P., Fernandez Batanero, J., & Tarman, B. (2019). ICT in a Global World. Research in Social Sciences and Technology, 4(2), i-ii.
MartinezI., & Tadeu, P. (2018). The impact of pedagogical leadership on pedagogical coordination in secondary schools. Research in Social Sciences and Technology, 3(3), 1-15.
Vicente, M., Vitória, J., Martins, F., Costa, C., Tadeu, P. (2018). Distance between linear varieties in application of an (in)equality by (fan-todd) beesack. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS), 109(1), 57-88.