Natália Gomes

Natália Fernandes Gomes

INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DA GUARDA • 0000-0002-1487-007X | 1111-3517-83E9


Livros de Edição Internacional

Clemente, R. G., Gomes, N. (2018). Alfabetización informacional: Sociedad, educación y organizaciones. Chiapas, México: Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas. Retrieved from

Capítulos de Livro de Edição Internacional

Gomes, N. (2024). Persiguiendo el conocimiento: la investigación potenciada por las tecnologías. In El arte de investigar en internet Buenas prácticas, (pp. 73-78). Silla vacía. ISBN 978-607-8983-15-5

Gomes, N., Arau Ribeiro, M. C., Lopes, N., Silveira, C., Marcos, F., Fonseca, P., Coutinho, P. (2024). Co-creation to engage creativity and enhance business innovation. In Arau Ribeiro, M. C., Silveira, C., Marcos, F. Gomes, N., Lopes, N., Coutinho, P., and Fonseca, P. (Eds.), UNLOCKING POTENTIAL: 17 case studies to promote creative thinking, innovation & STEAM in the classroom and in the cloud (pp. 189-199). Guarda: IPG – Guarda Polytechnic University. DOI: 10.46691/case789xyz

Gomes, N., Silveira, C., Lopes, N., Ribeiro, A., Carmen, M., Coutinho, P. (2024). A creative classroom for everyone: introducing a small ‘c’ creativity framework. In Arau Ribeiro, M. C., Silveira, C., Marcos, F. Gomes, N., Lopes, N., Coutinho, P., and Fonseca, P. (Eds.), UNLOCKING POTENTIAL: 17 literature reviews to promote creative thinking, innovation & STEAM in the classroom and in the cloud (pp. 53-57). Guarda: IPG – Guarda Polytechnic University. DOI: 10.46691/zmx89lsx

Gomes, N., Tadeu, P., Brigas, C., Brito, E. (2022). Las fake news: Una análisis en tiempo de pandemia. In S. Alonso-García, G. G. García, C. R. Jiménez, M. R. Navas-Parejo (Coords.), La educación globalizada: experiencias e investigaciones (pp. 82-95). Dykinson, S.L.

Ribeiro, M., Nusselder, A., Brouwer, N., Gomes, N., Lopes, N. (2020). An international student workshop on design thinking in time of corona: redesigning an international event as an online interactive learning experience. In L. Pokrzycka (Ed.), Innovative Teaching Methods: Practical Teaching In Higher Education (pp. 11-38). Lublin: Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Press. ISBN: 978-83-227-9399-2

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Artigos em Revistas Indexadas | Scopus e/ou WoS

Paiva, T., Felgueira, T., Alves, C., Gomes, N., Salgado, S., Salaberri, M. (2024). An education model to empower women in tech entrepreneurship. Frontiers in Education, 9.

Felgueira, T., Paiva, T., Alves, C., Gomes, N. (2024). Empowering Women in Tech Innovation and Entrepreneurship: A Qualitative Approach. Education Sciences, 14(10), 1127.

Brito, E., Gomes, F. N., Tadeu, P. & Brigas, C. (2021). Analysis of a portuguese HEI teachers experience in the context of COVID-19. Texto Livre: Linguagem e Tecnologia, 14(2). DOI: 10.35699/1983-3652.2021.33579

Artigos em Revistas

Gomes, N., Garzón-Clemente, R. (2022). Portugal and Mexico: An Analysis of Fake News in Times of Covid-19 Pandemic. Global Journal of HUMAN-SOCIAL SCIENCE: A Arts & Humanities – Psychology, 22(4). Retrieved from

Ribeiro, M., Lopes, N., Rodrigues, P., Gomes, N. (2020). Trabalho interdisciplinar: promover o pensamento criativo. Egitania Sciencia, 2020(Spe.), 9-22. DOI:

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