Carlos Eduardo Gonçalves da Costa Vasconcelos
POLITÉCNICO DE VISEU • Escola Superior de Educação • 0000-0002-3418-7518 | 3012-5499-0E63
Vasconcelos, C. (2022). Magnesium Supplementation on Athletes. In Supplementation on Athletes (pp. 1-11). Open Access eBooks
Vaconcelos, C. & Sá, C. (2021). Malnutrition and Type 2 Diabetes. In Malnutrition and Impact on Health (Vol. 1, Chapter1, pp. 1-21). Open Access eBooks.
Vasconcelos, C. (2021). Lifestyle Intervention and Type 2 Diabetes. In P. K. Kare (Ed.), An Ebook on Type 2 Diabetes (vol. 2, pp. 16-31). Open Access eBooks. ISBN: 978-93-87500-70-9
Sena, N., Azevedo, A. M., Eira, P., & Vasconcelos, C. (2024). Los factores motivacionales para la práctica de ejercicio físico en el contexto de un Club de Salud (Motivational factors for physical exercise practice in a Health Club context). Retos, 59, 490–496.
Vasconcelos, C., Patrícia S. (2024). Effects of Combined Interventions of Physical Activity and Diet in Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review. Children, 11(7), 853.
Vasconcelos, C., Cabral, M., Ramos, E., & Mendes, R. (2021). Benefits of adding food education sessions to an exercise programme on cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes. Journal of nutritional science, 10, e59. DOI: 10.1017/jns.2021.50
Vasconcelos, C., Cabral, M., Ramos, E., & Mendes, R. (2021). The impact of a community‐based food education programme on dietary pattern in patients with type 2 diabetes: Results of a pilot randomised controlled trial in Portugal. Health & Social Care in the Community, 29(6), e318-e327. DOI: 10.1111/hsc.13356
Vasconcelos, C., Almeida, A., Sá, C., Viana, J., Cabral, M., Ramos, E., Mendes, R. (2020). Nutrition-related knowledge and its determinants in middle-aged and older patients with type 2 diabetes. Primary Care Diabetes, 14(2), 119-125. DOI: 10.1016/j.pcd.2019.06.007
Vasconcelos, C., Almeida, A., Cabral, M., Ramos, E., Mendes, R. (2019). The Impact of a Community-Based Food Education Program on Nutrition-Related Knowledge in Middle-Aged and Older Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Results of a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,16(13), 2403.
Silva, B. A. R. da, & Vasconcelos, C. E. G. da C. (2024). Actividad física y conductas sedentarias en mujeres con hijos. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(312), 71-83.
Martins, R. J. E., Vasconcelos, C. E. G. C. (2023). La influencia de la música en la práctica del ejercicio físico en el contexto de un gimnasio. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(306), 92-106.
Soares, J.F.A., Vasconcelos, C.E.G. C. (2023). Caracterização sociodemográfica dos utentes de um Parque de Desporto de Natureza e Aventura em Portugal. Lecturas: Educación Física y Deportes, 28(307), 26-40.