Paulo José Severino Maurício
INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE LISBOA • Escola Superior de Educação • 0000-0003-3321-9108 | C215-3441-EE0D
Maurício, P., Valente, B. (2024). Synergy between lesson study and content representation in a preservice teacher practicum. Teaching and Teacher Education, 142, 104525.
Costa, J. P., Baptista, M., Conceição, T., Maurício, P. (2023). Construct map development for the propagation of sound in the air. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(9), em2327. DOI:
Valente, B., Maurício, P., Faria, C. (2022). The Influence of Real-Context Scientific Activities on Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Thinking and Practice of Nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry. Science & Education.
Pisano, R., Mauricio, P., Vincent, P. (2021). Introduction to IDTC Special Issue: Joule’s Bicentenary History of Science, Foundations and Nature of Science. Foundations of Science. DOI:
Valente, B., Maurício, P., Faria, C. (2018). Understanding the Process and Conditions That Improve Preservice Teachers’ Conceptions of Nature of Science in Real Contexts. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 29(7), 620-643. DOI:
Valente, B. ., & Maurício, P. (2022). O Estudo de Aula na Formação Inicial: Desenvolvimento de Processos Colaborativos. Revista Interacções, 18(62), 5-21. DOI:
Vohlgemuth, L., Campos, J., Cruz, C., Maurício, P., West, D., Charréu, L. (2021). Formation en animation socioculturelle à l’ESELx : quelle place aux sciences physiques et naturelles?. Revue internationale animation, territoires et pratiques socioculturelles. DOI: