Luís Miguel Gonçalves de Oliveira
POLITÉCNICO DE LEIRIA • 0000-0003-3946-4374 | F515-4A16-32A3
Marques, S. F., & Oliveira, L. M. G. de. (2024). A influência das famílias nas expectativas das crianças face à transição para a escolaridade obrigatória. Brazilian Journal of Development, 10(5), e69417.
Faustino, L. R., Martins, c. S., Oliveira, M. (2023). Conceptions about the role of kindergarten teachers and parents in playing outside and exploring nature. International Journal of Human Sciences Research, 3(40), 1-10. DOI 10.22533/at.ed.5583402319104
Gomes, B., Oliveira, M. (2021). Alternative and Authentic Evaluation: (De)build the (Un)enchanted World of Evaluation in Pre-School Education. Journal of Modern Education Review, 11(1), 49-54. Doi: 10.15341/jmer(2155-7993)/01.11.2021/007