Work-life interaction and burnout: a national study

Nascimento, L., Fernandes, R., Araújo, P., & Marques, I. (2024). Work-life interaction and burnout: a national study. Millenium – Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, (15e), e35306.

Innovation and Creativity in Extension Projects: The Role of Art in UTFPR Engineering Courses

Auzani, A.S., Leonido, L., Pereira, A., Morgado, E. G. (2024). Innovation and Creativity in Extension Projects: The Role of Art in UTFPR Engineering Courses. In C. Silva, S. Silva, D. Mota, P. Peres (Eds.), Smart Learning Solutions for Sustainable Societies. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology (pp. 203-217). Springer, Singapore.


Implementation of educational adaptations

Pereira, A., Figueiredo, A., Mendes, F. (2024). Implementation of educational adaptations. In A. Leiva-Arcas, M. J. Maciá-Andreu, R. Vaquero-Cristóbal, M. D. Nadal, L. Meroño (Eds.), Beyond barriers: Fostering social inclusion through dual career for student-athletes with disabilities (pp. 73-89). Editorial Aula Magna, 2024. McGraw-Hill Interamericana de España S.L.

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Gender equity in sport from the perspective of European women athletes and sport managers, physical education teachers and sport coaches

Vaquero-Cristóbal, R., Mateo-Orcajada, A., Ekmekçi̇, Y. A. D., Pereira, A., Amin, S., Meroño, L., González-Gálvez, N., Ballı, Ö. M., Mendes, F., Mbah, O., Abenza-Cano, L., Leiva-Arcas, A., Doğan, Y. İ., Figueiredo, A., Ponce-Ramírez, C. M., Esparza-Ros, F., Albaladejo-Saura, M. (2024). Gender equity in sport from the perspective of European women athletes and sport managers, physical

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