Carlos Miguel Nunes da Luz
INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE LISBOA • Escola Superior de Educação • 0000-0002-9126-5375 | 9B14-3485-0FC1
Valente B. Martins Ferreira N. Mendes L. Melo N. Brunheira L. Almeida P. Pereira S. Estrela A. Marques A. S. Pereira T. Pereira T. Vieira N. Luz C. & Relvas M. (2024). Mapeando o currículo: cruzando competências e áreas de conteúdo. In B. Valente & T. Leite (Eds.) Aprendizagens essenciais: mapear para promover a integração curricular (pp. 40-66). CIED Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.
Almeida G. Luz C. Rodrigues L. P. Lopes V. Cordovil R. (2023). Competência motora real e percebida: precisão da estimativa da performance. In M. J. Lagoa D. Coutinho C. Carvalho J. O. Santos J. Viana G. Silva (Eds.) Estudos em desenvolvimento motor da criança XVI (pp. 423-430). Centro de Publicações / Universidade da Maia / Centro de Investigação em Desporto Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano
Ottero B. Carvalho R. Penido L. Matos C. Cordovil R. Luz C. Rodrigues L. P. Tanure M. Ugrinowitsch H. (2024). Motor Competence and Difficulty of Self-Set Goals on Motor Learning. Journal of Motor Behavior.
Almeida G. Luz C. Rodrigues L. P. Lopes V. Cordovil R. (2023). Profiles of motor competence and its perception accuracy among children: Association with physical fitness and body fat. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 68 102458. DOI:
Moreira M. Veiga G. Lopes F. Hales D. Luz C. Cordovil R. (2023). Kindergarten Affordances for Physical Activity and Preschoolers’ Motor and Social-Emotional Competence. Children 10(2) 214.
Pombo A. Cordovil R. Rodrigues L. P. Moreira A. C. Borrego R. Machado M. Costa V. et al. (2023). Effect of Motor Competence and Health-Related Fitness in the Prevention of Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 1-8.
Pombo A. Luz C. Rodrigues L. P. Sá C. Siegle C. B. H. Tortella P. Fumagalli G. Cordovil R. (2023). Children’s Physical Activity During the COVID-19 Lockdown: A Cross Cultural Comparison Between Portugal Brazil and Italy. Perceptual and Motor Skills 130(2) 680-699.
Abrams T. C. Terlizzi B. Meester An De Sacko R. S. Irwin J. M. Luz C. Rodrigues L. P. et al. (2022). Potential relevance of a motor skill “proficiency barrier” on health-related fitness in youth. European Journal of Sport Science 23(8) 1771-1778.
Rodrigues L. P. Luz C. Cordovil R. Pombo A. Lopes V. P. (2022). Motor Competence Assessment (MCA) Scoring Method. Children 9(11) 1769. DOI:
Siegle C. B. H. Pombo A. Luz C. Rodrigues L. P. Cordovil R. Sá C. S. C. (2022). Do children’s previous physical activity habits influence their behaviors during the Covid-19 social distancing period?. Revista Paulista de Pediatria 40.
Silva A. F. Nobari H. Badicu G. Ceylan H. I. Lima R. Lagoa M. J. Luz C. Clemente F. M. (2022). Reliability levels of motor competence in youth athletes. BMC Pediatrics 22(1). DOI:
Cordovil R. Ribeiro L. Moreira M. Pombo A. Rodrigues L. P. Luz C. Veiga G. Lopes F. (2021). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on preschool children and preschools in Portugal. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES) 21(1) 492-499. DOI: 10.7752/jpes.2021.s1052
Rodrigues L. P. Cordovil R. Luz C. Lopes V. P. (2021). Model invariance of the Motor Competence Assessment (MCA) from early childhood to young adulthood. Journal of Sports Sciences 39(20) 2353-2360. DOI:
Rodrigues L. P. Luz C. Cordovil R. Mendes R. Alexandre R. Lopes V. P. (2021). Siblings’ Influence on the Motor Competence of Preschoolers. Children 8(3) 204.
Sá C. S. C. Luz C. Pombo A. Rodrigues L. P. Cordovil R. (2021). Motor Competence in Children With and Without Ambliopia. Perceptual and motor skills 128(2). DOI:
Saraiva F. F. Rodrigues L. P. Luz C. Cordovil R. (2021). Cross-cultural comparisons of motor competence in southern Brazilian and Portuguese schoolchildren. Motriz: Revista de Educação Física 27. DOI:
Cordovil R. Ribeiro L. Moreira M. Pombo A. Rodrigues L. P. Luz C. Veiga G. Lopes F. (2020). Influences of family and household characteristics on children’s level of physical activity during social distancing due to covid-19 in brazil. Revista Paulista de Pediatria. DOI:
Luz C. Cordovil R. Rodrigues L. P. Gao Z. Goodway J. D. Sacko R. S. Nesbitt D. R. et al. (2020). Motor competence and health-related fitness in children: A cross-cultural comparison between Portugal and the United States. Journal of Sport and Health Science 8(2) 130-136. doi: 10.1016/j.jshs.2019.01.005
Piovesan C. C. Geremia J. M. Luz C. Menezes R. P. Flôres F. S. (2020). Relationship between the numerical condition and court position in goal scoring in women’s handball. Journal of Physical Education and Sport 20(6) 3607-3613. DOI: 10.7752/jpes.2020.06486
Pombo A. Luz C. Rodrigues L. P. Ferreira C. Cordovil R. (2020). Correlates of children’s physical activity during the COVID-19 confinement in Portugal. Public Health 189 14-19. DOI:
Sá C. D. S. C. Pombo A. Luz C. Rodrigues L. P. Cordovil R. (2020). Covid-19 social isolation in brazil: effects on the physical activity routine of families with children. Revista Paulista de Pediatria. DOI:
Rodrigues L. P. Luz C. Cordovil R. Bezerra P. Silva B. Camões M. Lima R. (2019). Normative values of the motor competence assessment (MCA) from 3 to 23 years of age. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 22(9) 1038-1043. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsams.2019.05.009
Sá C. S. C. Luz C. Rodrigues L. P. Cordovil R. (2021). Motor Competence Assessment – adaptação cultural para o Brasil (MCA-BR). Fisioterapia e Pesquisa 28(1). DOI:
Flôres F S. Milani M. F. Copetti F. Luz C. Cordovil R. (2020). O impacto da prática do futsal na competência motora de crianças. Motrivivência 32(63) 01-13.
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