Eulália Maria Mota Santos
POLITÉCNICO DE LEIRIA • 0000-0001-8069-2657 | D515-A6BD-A750
Gomes, P., Santos, E., & Martins, E. (2023). An exploratory analysis of internal communication in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 42(5), 37–49.
Oliveira, M., Andrade, J. R., Ratten, V., & Santos, E. (2023). Psychological empowerment for the future of work: Evidence from Portugal. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 42(5), 65–78.
Santos, E., Barattucci, M., Tavares, F. O., Tavares, V. C. (2023). The Senses as Experiences in Wine Tourism—A Comparative Statistical Analysis between Abruzzo and Douro. Heritage, 6(8), 5672-5688. DOI:
Santos, E., Tavares, F. O., & Oliveira, M.F. (2023). Importance of traditions and family business at Christmas: a quantitative analysis of practices and values in Portugal. Journal of Family Business Management, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print). DOI:
Sousa, M., Santos, E., Santos T., & Oliveira, M. (2023). The Influence of Empowerment on the Motivation of Portuguese Employees—A Study Based on a Structural Equation Model. Administrative Sciences, 13(11), 230. MDPI AG. DOI:
Tavares, F. O., Santos, E., Tavares, V. C., & Ratten, V. (2023). Risk Planning and Management in Portuguese Companies—A Statistical Approach. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(7), 314. MDPI AG. DOI:
Tavares, F., Santos, E., Vasconcelos, M. V. de, & Tavares, V. C. (2023). A Statistical Analysis of Companies’ Financing Strategies in Portugal during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(2), 116. MDPI AG. DOI:
Tavares, F., Santos, E., & Tavares, V. (2023). Financial literacy in individuals trained in economics, management, finance, and accounting. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 42(5), 111–120. DOI:
Gomes, P., Diogo, A., Santos, E., & Ratten, V. (2022). Modeling the influence of workaholism on career success: A PLS–SEM approach. Journal of Management & Organization, 1-19. doi: 10.1017/jmo.2022.14
Martins, R. V., Santos, E., Eugénio, T., Morais, A. (2022). Is foreign direct investment caring for sustainability? A look in African sub-Saharan countries. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal. DOI:
Oliveira, M. F., Santos, E., Ratten, V. (2022). Strategic perspective of error management the role of leadership and an error management culture: a mediation model. Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science. DOI:
Santos, E., Ratten, V., Diogo, A. and Tavares, F. (2022). Positive and negative affect during the COVID-19 pandemic quarantine in Portugal. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 13(2), 195-212. DOI:
Santos, E., Tavares, V., Tavares, F.O. and Ratten, V. (2022). How is risk different in family and non-family businesses? A comparative statistical analysis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Family Business Management, 12(4), 1113-1130.
Tavares V.C., Tavares, F., Santos, E. (2022) The Value of Farmland and Its Determinants—The Current State of the Art. Land, 11(11), 1908. DOI:
Santos, E. M. M., Tavares, V. C., Ratten, V., Tavares, F. O. (2022). The profile of the Portuguese regarding the perception of financial literacy. Managerial Finance, 48(9/10), 1301-1316.
Tavares, F., & Santos, E. (2022). Validation of an Information Asymmetry Scale in the Portuguese Real Estate Market. Review of Business Management, 23(4). DOI:
Santos, E., Diogo, A., Ratten, V., & Tavares, F. O. (2021). Impact of motivations to buy and offer gifts in consumerism at Christmas. Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, 68(3), 361–378.
Santos, E., Oliveira, M., Ratten, V., Tavares, F. O., Tavares, V. C. (2021). A reflection on explanatory factors for COVID-19: A comparative study between countries. Thunderbird International Business Review, 63(3), 285-301. DOI:
Santos, E., Tavares, F., Tavares, V., & Ratten, V. (2021). Comparative Analysis of the Importance of Determining Factors in the Choice and Sale of Apartments. Sustainability, 13(16), 8731.
Santos,E. & Tavares,F.(2021).The Profile of Portuguese People when Choosing an Apartment. Real Estate Management and Valuation,29(2) 38-51. DOI:
Tavares, F., Condurú, O., Santos, E., Tavares, V. (2021). Touristic preferences of hostel guests during COVID-19 times: The case of Oporto. Strategic Change, 30(2), 169-177. DOI:
Tavares, F., Santos, E. and Tavares, V. (2021). Risk categorization in Portuguese organizations in times of the COVID-19 pandemic – an exploratory statistical analysis. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 10(3), 306-322. DOI:
Tavares, F., Santos, E., Diogo, A. and Ratten, V. (2021). Teleworking in Portuguese communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 15(3), 334-349.
Tavares, F., Santos, E., Tavares, V., & Ratten, V. (2020). The Perception and Knowledge of Financial Risk of the Portuguese. Sustainability, 12(19), 8255. DOI:
Requejo, C., Santos, E. (2020). Efficient lower and upper bounds for the weight-constrained minimum spanning tree problem using simple Lagrangian based algorithms. Operational Research International Journal, 20, 2467–2495. DOI:
Santos, E., Monteiro, C., Tavares, F.(2020). A Influência da Imagem dos Produtos no Valor das Marcas Lameirinho. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media, 8(15). DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306
Santos, E., Tavares, F. (2020). The level of knowledge of financial literacy and risk of the Portuguese. International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, 13(2), 91-116.
Tavares, F. O., & Santos, E. (2020). Financial Literacy Perception Scale for the Portuguese Population. Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, 67(2), 277–290. DOI:
Tavares, F., Santos, E., Diogo, A. Ratten, V. (2020). An analysis of the experiences based on experimental marketing: pandemic COVID-19 quarantin. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 16(4), 327-340.
Cunha, M. N., Santos, E. (2019). A Perceção do Consumidor face à Comunicação das Marcas de Moda de Luxo nas Redes Sociais. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media, 7(12). DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306
Santos, V., Caldeira, A., Santos, E., Oliveira, S., Ramos, P., Santos, S. (2019). Wine Tourism Experience in the Tejo Region: The influence of sensory impressions on post-visit behaviour intentions. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media, 5. DOI: 10.54663/2182-9306
Martinho, D., Santos, E., Miguel, I., Cordeiro, D. (2018). Factors that Influence the Adoption of Postgraduate Online Courses. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 13(12), 123-141. 10.3991/ijet.v13i12.8864
Carreira. S., Andrade, J. R., Santos, E. (2020). Fatores críticos da motivação no trabalho: um estudo no setor metalomecânico. R-LEGO – Revista Lusófocna de Economia e Gestão das Organizações, 10, 9-31.
Santos, E., & Tavares, F. O. (2020). Percepção do consumismo dos portugueses na época de Natal. Revista De Gestão Dos Países De Língua Portuguesa, 19(3), 163–179. DOI:
Queimado, D., Santos, J., Oliveira, M., Santos, E. (2019). Importância da cultura organizacional na satisfação no trabalho. R-LEGO – Revista Lusófona de Economia e Gestão das Organizações, 9, 9-30.
Oliveira, M., Santos, E., Carreira, S., Andrade, J. R. (2018). A importância da motivação na gestão do conhecimento nas organizações: um estudo numa empresa portuguesa. ISLA Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 1(1), 16-30.
Santos, V., Santos, E., Oliveira, S., Caldeira, A, Martinho, F. (2018). Análise da oferta de enoturismo da região Tejo. ISLA Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 1(1), 1-15.
Sousa, A., Thomaz, J., Santos, E. Felizardo, A. (2018). Efeito de marca de empregado: diferenças de perceção entre os colaboradores. ISLA Multidisciplinary e-Journal, 1(1), 77-91.