Health Education and Quality of Life

Dietary Behavior of School-Aged Young Athletes

Lourenço, C., Almeida, C., Azevedo, A. (2024). Dietary Behavior of School-Aged Young Athletes. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), 24(10), 1413-1419. DOI:10.7752/jpes.2024.10266

Motor Competence and Difficulty of Self-Set Goals on Motor Learning

Ottero, B., Carvalho, R., Penido, L., Matos, C., Cordovil, R., Luz, C., Rodrigues, L. P., Tanure, M., Ugrinowitsch, H. (2024). Motor Competence and Difficulty of Self-Set Goals on Motor Learning. Journal of Motor Behavior.

Work-life interaction and burnout: a national study

Nascimento, L., Fernandes, R., Araújo, P., & Marques, I. (2024). Work-life interaction and burnout: a national study. Millenium – Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, (15e), e35306.

Edible insects: A survey about perceptions regarding possible beneficial health effects and safety concerns among adult citizens from Portugal and Romania

Guiné, R. P. F., Florença, S. G., Costa, C. A., Correia, P. M. R., Ferreira, M., Cardoso, A. P., Campos, S., Anjos, O., Bacarea, V., Bacarea, A., Buicu, G., Szasz, S., Martin-Hadmaș, R., Tarcea, M. (2024). Edible insects: A survey about perceptions regarding possible beneficial health effects and safety concerns among adult citizens from Portugal

[PPSMES] Program for the Promotion of Mental Health in Higher Education

Duração: 2024 – 2026 Investigador Responsável Cátia Magalhães Membros da Equipa Maria João Amante José Sargento Ana Berta Alves Entidades Financiadoras DGES Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior Linha de investigação: Educação para a Saúde e Qualidade de Vida O projeto pretende apoiar a Instituição na organização das respostas existentes e/ou criar novas respostas de acordo com

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