Menino, Menina, by Joana Estrela

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Dietary Behavior of School-Aged Young Athletes

Lourenço, C., Almeida, C., Azevedo, A. (2024). Dietary Behavior of School-Aged Young Athletes. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), 24(10), 1413-1419. DOI:10.7752/jpes.2024.10266

Motor Competence and Difficulty of Self-Set Goals on Motor Learning

Ottero, B., Carvalho, R., Penido, L., Matos, C., Cordovil, R., Luz, C., Rodrigues, L. P., Tanure, M., Ugrinowitsch, H. (2024). Motor Competence and Difficulty of Self-Set Goals on Motor Learning. Journal of Motor Behavior. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222895.2024.2429383

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