iPV with Health Plus: Dynamics and strategies of inclusion for health promotion and literacy in higher education

Principal Researcher: Carlos Albuquerque
Duration: 2020 – 2022

UICISA: E Team Members
Ana Andrade
João Duarte
Madalena Cunha
Rosa Martins


This transdisciplinary research and action project foresees the development of innovative health promotion strategies based on a salutogenic paradigm that seeks to empower people to manage their health resources and improve their health literacy. This study is also part of a local need which was identified and discussed by and with local stakeholders (health professionals and the academic community) in the absence of an inclusive, creative, dynamic and concerted strategy to promote salutogenic behaviours among the student of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (IPV – Instituto Politécnico de Viseu). Attending to the experience of the research team in the conception and implementation of health promotion programs and technological solutions applied to health care, it becomes an opportunity to network and gather synergies between several partners among the clinical and teaching fields as well as in research, enhancing IPV in its social responsibilities. The main objective of the "iPV with Health Plus" project is to develop, implement and evaluate an integrated and institutional health promotion program, creating the resources and organizational structures to support these processes along with the IPV students. This project is structured with ten complementary tasks and it is aligned with the recommendations and challenges embodied in our current National Health Plan, based on the international guidelines, which emphasises a system of epidemiological surveillance of health determinants, reinforcing the organizational strategies and institutional culture in the field of health. Thus, the iPV Health+ project is supported by a strong networking among higher education institutions and primary health care institutions and it will monitor the health determinants of IPV students, assess their health needs, create an Observatory of the State of Health of the Students of the IPV and conceive a Group of Health Promotion with an integrated, multidisciplinary and multidimensional action in the field of health promotion among the students of the IPV. Considering this, the research team will also develop and evaluate an innovative and inclusive intervention program that, through the use of interactive technologies (app), will promote health literacy and healthy behaviours, according to a structured approach. The impact expectations of this project clearly outperform issues related to the scientific production and dissemination of knowledge. Its intention is to contribute in a sustained, inclusive and lasting way to the conception and implementation of organizational responses, those focused on the promotion of salutogenic behaviours and also to create technological interfaces and structures that can streamline monitoring, intervention and follow-up procedures of the IPV students according to their health needs as levelling the institution into a national reference.
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