Efficacy analysis of capsaicin 8% patch in neuropathic peripheral pain treatment

Pinto, J., Pereira, F. C., Loureiro, M. C., Gama, R., Fernandes, H. L. (2018). Efficacy analysis of capsaicin 8% patch in neuropathic peripheral pain treatment. Pharmacology, 101(5-6), 290-297. DOI: 10.1159/000487444

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Why do Firms Live Longer than Others? The Elixir of (Eternal) Life of Blue Chip American Companies

Reis, P. N. (2018). Why do Firms Live Longer than Others? The Elixir of (Eternal) Life of Blue Chip American Companies. International Journal of Business Administration, 9(1), 64-74. Retrieved from http://sciedupress.com/journal/index.php/ijba/issue/view/628

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Uma abordagem DMAIC para a redução de defeitos em componentes para a indústria automóvel

Vaz, P., Silva, C. (2018). Uma abordagem DMAIC para a redução de defeitos em componentes para a indústria automóvel. In Lean na Prática (pp. 112-126). Brasil: Global South Press. ISBN: 978-1943350766

Uma abordagem DMAIC para a redução de defeitos em componentes para a indústria automóvel Read More »

Aspects concerning the acoustical performance of school cafeterias

Pinho, P. G., Pinto, M., Almeida, R. M. S. F., Lemos, L. T., Lopes, S. M. (2018). Aspects concerning the acoustical performance of school cafeterias. Applied Acoustics, 136,36-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2018.02.020

Aspects concerning the acoustical performance of school cafeterias Read More »

Quality management systems in European social service organizations: A survey of EQUASS Assurance pioneer adopters

Melão, N., Amorim, M., Marimon, F., Alegre, I. (2018). Quality management systems in European social service organizations: A survey of EQUASS Assurance pioneer adopters. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 35(2), 354-372. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/ijqrm-10-2016-0187

Quality management systems in European social service organizations: A survey of EQUASS Assurance pioneer adopters Read More »

International diversification strategies and their organizational and exogenous antecedents

Figueiredo, A. J., Rodrigues, A. M., Vicente, M., Antunes, M. J. (2018). International diversification strategies and their organizational and exogenous antecedents. International Journal of Multidisciplinarity in Business and Science, 4(5), 13-19. Retrieved from https://hrcak.srce.hr/file/302134

International diversification strategies and their organizational and exogenous antecedents Read More »

SPOTur—Tourists Protection and Orientation System in Inhospitable Environments

Lousado, J., Cruz, A., Antunes, S. (2018). SPOTur—Tourists Protection and Orientation System in Inhospitable Environments. International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering, 7(4), 136-144. DOI: 10.17706/IJCCE.2018.7.4.136-144

SPOTur—Tourists Protection and Orientation System in Inhospitable Environments Read More »

Peacefulness at home: Impacts on international travel

Seabra, C., Kastenholz, E., Abrantes, J., Reis, M. (2018). Peacefulness at home: Impacts on international travel. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 4(4), 413-428. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJTC-10-2017-0050

Peacefulness at home: Impacts on international travel Read More »

Rotas culturais no Centro de Portugal: duas propostas

Paiva, O., Seabra, C., Abrantes, J, L., Reis, M., Pereira, A. (2018). Rotas culturais no Centro de Portugal: duas propostas. In Turismo no Centro de Portugal: Potencialidades e Tendências (pp. 379-399). Coimbra, Portugal: Conjuntura Actual Editora. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10400.19/5039

Rotas culturais no Centro de Portugal: duas propostas Read More »

Travel, travel literature and representations of space implementation study: the Douro wine region in foreign travel guides from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (1845-1974)

Oliveira, I., Fernandes, D. (2018). Travel, travel literature and representations of space implementation study: the Douro wine region in foreign travel guides from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (1845-1974). TOPUS, 4(1), 71-91. Retrieved from http://www.revistatopus.com.br/en/archives_.asp?cod=7

Travel, travel literature and representations of space implementation study: the Douro wine region in foreign travel guides from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (1845-1974) Read More »

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