Duration: 2023 – 2025
Principal Researcher
Henrique Ramalho
Team Members
Carla Lacerda
João Rocha
Henrique Ramalho
Filipa Pereira
Carminda Monteiro
Manuel Perestrelo
Maria Ferreira
Research line:
Educational Policies, Didactics and Training
With the publication of Law No. 31/2002, of December 20th and, later, with the institutionalization of the External School Assessment Program, initiated in 2006, the widespread belief developed in Portugal that schools should look at external evaluation as a mechanism for optimizing the educational system and, very particularly, schools, whose implementation enhances improvement processes and organizational and professional development strategies aligned with the prerogative of the most promising educational innovation that, apparently, we have no memory in the recent educational history of our country.
Within the same legislative framework, self-assessment is mandatory and systematic, addressing the following objectives:
a) Evaluate the degree of implementation of the educational project and the way in which education, teaching and student learning are prepared and implemented, taking into account their specific characteristics;
b) Monitor the level of execution of activities that provide climates and educational environments capable of generating the affective and emotional conditions of school experience conducive to interaction, social integration, learning and the integral development of the personality of children and students;
c) Monitor the functioning and performance of the administration and management bodies of schools or groups of schools, covering the functioning of school management and educational guidance structures.
The project proposal emerges from the request made by two school organizations that, having been the subject of external school evaluation intervention, this process raised the need to increase a philosophy, procedures and self-evaluation practices more consistent with the objectives previously described.