The Virtual Art Lab

Sousa, C., Figueiredo, S., Souto-e-Melo, A. L. (2023). The Virtual Art Lab. In Zimmerman, A. S. (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Advancing Teaching and Teacher Education in the Context of a Virtual Age (pp. 78-103). IGI Global. 10.4018/978-1-6684-8407-4.ch005


Self-perception of dual career barriers and athletic identity in student-athletes with disabilities according to disability type and level of professionalization

Maciá-Andreu, M. J., Vaquero-Cristóbal, R., Meroño, L., Abenza-Cano, L., García-Roca, J. A., Cánovas-Álvarez, F. J., Díaz-Aroca, A., Capranica, L., Stanescu, M., Pereira, A., Doupona, M., Mendes, F., Figueiredo, A., Isidori, E., Sánchez-Pato, A., Leiva-Arcas, A. (2023). Self-perception of dual career barriers and athletic identity in student-athletes with disabilities according to disability type and level of

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