
Looking Into Foreign Languages and Multimodal Creativity as a Tool for Pedagogical Innovation in Higher Education: The JASM Project – Open Window Onto the World

Lopes, A. C, Costa, C. A., Coutinho, E., Oliveira, I., Pereira, J., Gillain, R., Amante, S., Fidalgo, S., Relvas, S., Delplancq, V (2023). Looking Into Foreign Languages and Multimodal Creativity as a Tool for Pedagogical Innovation in Higher Education: The JASM Project – Open Window Onto the World. In M. E. Carrillo, & A. Garcés-Manzanera

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The Virtual Art Lab

Sousa, C., Figueiredo, S., Souto-e-Melo, A. L. (2023). The Virtual Art Lab. In Zimmerman, A. S. (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Advancing Teaching and Teacher Education in the Context of a Virtual Age (pp. 78-103). IGI Global. 10.4018/978-1-6684-8407-4.ch005


Un análisis de las TIC con funciones educativas formales e informales en contexto de personas con discapacidad intelectual

Tadeu, P., Brigas, C. (2023). Un análisis de las TIC con funciones educativas formales e informales en contexto de personas con discapacidad intelectual. In J. M. R. Rodríguez, P. C. Herrera, S. A. García, W. R. Cabrera (Eds.), Desafíos de la investigación educativa ante el desarrollo de la sociedad digital. Octaedro Editorial. ISBN: 9788419900807

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