
The musical and theatrical references of Eça de Queiroz’s The Maias in the film narrative of Portuguese filmmaker João Botelho and the Portuguese cultural identity

Sobral, F. (2019). The musical and theatrical references of Eça de Queiroz’s The Maias in the film narrative of Portuguese filmmaker João Botelho and the Portuguese cultural identity. In C. N. G. Mariño, L. Miranda (Eds.), Identity Mediations in Latin American Cinemas and Beyond. Cultural Industries, Musical Flows and Transnational Discourses (pp. 325-343). Cambridge, Reino Unido:

Creative Collaborative Virtual Environments

Eustáquio, L., Sousa, C. (2019). Creative Collaborative Virtual Environments. In Advanced Methodologies and Technologies in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Simulation, and Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 461-473). DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7368-5.ch034

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