Why do Firms Live Longer than Others? The Elixir of (Eternal) Life of Blue Chip American Companies

Reis, P. N. (2018). Why do Firms Live Longer than Others? The Elixir of (Eternal) Life of Blue Chip American Companies. International Journal of Business Administration, 9(1), 64-74. Retrieved from http://sciedupress.com/journal/index.php/ijba/issue/view/628

Why do Firms Live Longer than Others? The Elixir of (Eternal) Life of Blue Chip American Companies Read More »

Industry 4.0: A challenge of competition

Antunes, J. G., Pinto, A., Reis, P. & Henriques, C. (2018). Industry 4.0: A challenge of competition. Millenium, 2(6), 89-97. DOI: https://doi.org/10.29352/mill0206.08.00159

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