Duração: 2023 – 2025
Investigador Responsável
Linda Daniela
Latvijas Universitate
Investigador Responsável do Ci&DEI
Maria Pacheco Figueiredo
Membros da Equipa
Cristina Azevedo Gomes
Isabel Abrantes
Valter Alves
Ana Catarina Sousa
Sandra Ferreira
Entidades Financiadoras
Erasmus+ KA2-Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, KA220-HED-Cooperation partnerships in higher education
Linha de investigação:
TIC e Multimédia na Educação
GREENCODE aims to support Early Childhood Education preservice and in-service teachers in learning how to foster children’s computational thinking skills within the scope of environmental protection and green practices. Its activities are related to STEM/STEAM areas.
The project is dedicated to enhancing capacity in the education sector by delivering high-quality environmental education and teaching algorithmic thinking through educational robotics at the preschool level in partner countries.
The project goals are : a) Empowering Eco-Teachers. Up-skilling preschool teachers on teaching eco-friendly topics with the use of robotics, b) Green Robots and Smooth Integration. Contributing to addressing the challenges teachers will face while planning to integrate robotics and green practices into the learning activities for young children. c) Interdisciplinary Toolbox. Developing effective teaching materials to include teaching strategies and learning activities to be used within the higher education departments of preschool education. d) International-level Green Spark. Promoting and cascading the Greencode project results to potential users and relevant external stakeholders to ensure a multiplier effect of the project practice, providing the use of the project results at an international level.