Duration: 2017 – 2018
Principal Researcher
Madalena Cunha
Team Members
Ana Andrade
António Madureira Dias
Carla Santos
Carlos Albuquerque
Daniel Silva
Ernestina Silva
Francisco Barragan
Isabel Bica
João Duarte
José Costa
José Luís Menezes
Madalena Cunha
Márcio Nascimento
Maria da Graça Aparício
Maria Reis Santos
Nídia Menezes
Olivério Ribeiro
Rosa Martins
Sandra Cruz
Suzana André
Institutional and Enterprise Partners
Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto, Portugal;
Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería, Universidad de La Rioja em Logroño, Espanha
The SuperES project aims to develop pedagogical supervision skills focusing on the teacher-student dyad, enhancing the quality of education. Leveraging the strengths of mentoring and preceptorship and acknowledging the challenge of reducing the 12% dropout rate at IPV, the SuperES team aims to promote supervision skills that contribute to the reduction of academic failure and dropout. The direct beneficiaries will be the assistants who will benefit from an intervention program promoting pedagogical didactic literacy, and the students with whom they interact. The action research, involving a sample of 210 assistants/teachers and 900 IPV students, aims to test training and research tools to bridge the knowledge gap regarding the supervision process.