Duration: 2016 – 2019
CI&DEI´s Principal Researcher
Pedro Tadeu
Team Members
Teresa Paiva
Institutional and Enterprise Partners
Polytechnic of Guarda (Portugal)
Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati (Romania)
Latvian College of Culture at Latvian Academy of Culture
Fergana State University
Directorate of Labour and Social Protection of the Population Fergana city branch (DLSPPF)
Ferghana regional branch of the Uzbekistan Scientific Production Center of Agriculture
Karshi State University
Department of Labour and Social Welfare of Kashkadarya
Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the Republic of Karakalpakstan
Karakalpak Division of Mahalla Public Welfare Foundation of Uzbekistan
Andijan Agricultural Institute
Andijan region branch of Uzbek Scientific Production Center for Agriculture
Ferghana city Division of Mahalla Public Welfare Foundation of Uzbekistan
Ferghana region branch of Women committee
Entrepreneur women association of Kashkadarya
Research Line:
Educational Policies Teaching Methods and Training
Promotion government reforms on social protection and employment of the population reduction of unemployment and increase of the real incomes of the population through training retraining and advanced training of middle-aged unemployed people Specific objectives
1.Creation of Career Centers
2. Organization of activity of Career Centers
3.Creation of Network model
Uzbekistan has established work on employing persons who officially received the status of unemployed. It concerns implementation of youth and college graduate’s employment programs and college graduates (for these purposes funds are allocated since youth is more open for innovation). Nevertheless involvement of middle-aged people who want to find work into the process is an important issue and has number of problems.
In European countries vast experience in training skills development and vocational training of middle-aged population have been accumulated; well-organized work in the field of learning throughout life is set. There are centers and institutions whose main activity is focused on this. Implementation of the project under the supervision of and in close partnership with the European experts will organize joint work of employment agencies public organizations and universities and will allow most efficient development and solution of the problem.