Pedro Tadeu

Pedro José Arrifano Tadeu [coordenador Guarda]

INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DA GUARDA • 0000-0002-0698-400X | D61B-0E14-0121

Learning assessment based in computational thinking with multiple intelligences

Tadeu P. Brigas C. Pereira A. M. Fernández-Cerero J. (2020). Learning assessment based in computational thinking with multiple intelligences. In J. M. T. Torres S. A. García M. N. C. Soto J. M. S. Reche (Eds.) Análisis sobre metodologías activas y TIC para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje (pp. 707-716). Madrid Espanha: Editorial DYKINSON.

Renewing the pedagogical formation of teachers by using the manipulable materials

Tadeu P. Ribeiro M. C. García-Martínez I. (2020). Renewing the pedagogical formation of teachers by using the manipulable materials. In F. J. H. Lucena J. M. T. Torres J. M. S. Reche S. A. García (Eds.) Innovación Docente e Investigación Educativa en la Sociedad del Conocimiento (pp. 121-138). Madrid: Editorial Dykinson.

Educación emocional y TIC

Fernández Batanero J.M. y Tadeu P. (2019). Educación emocional y TIC. Emociones: revista de expresión y comunicación emocional 3 64-73.

ICT and Functional Diversity

Fernández-Batanero J. M. Tadeu P. (2019). ICT and Functional Diversity. Obstacles to Training Teachers in the Autonomous Community of Castile and Leon (SPAIN). SISYPHUS – Journal of Education 7(1) 31-45. doi: 10.25749/sis.15272

ICT in a Global World

Tadeu P. Fernandez Batanero J. & Tarman B. (2019). ICT in a Global World. Research in Social Sciences and Technology 4(2) i-ii.

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