Effectiveness of educational practices in University Students’ knowledge about sun protection and its relation to sunlight exposure: An exploratory study in a Portuguese Higher Education Institution

Ferreira, B., Simões, J., Ferreira, M. E. (2020). Effectiveness of educational practices in University Students’ knowledge about sun protection and its relation to sunlight exposure: An exploratory study in a Portuguese Higher Education Institution. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 10(3), 720-732. Doi: 10.3390/ejihpe10030053

Online collaboration among European, African and US Students: Building bridges across continents project

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Processos de supervisão: acompanhamento e avaliação de professores

Rocha, J. (2020). Processos de supervisão: acompanhamento e avaliação de professores. In H. Ramalho, A. P. Cardoso, C. Lacerda, J. Rocha, M. Figueiredo (Eds.), Aprender é Coisa Séria: contributos para a construção do saber escolar I (pp. 15-25). Viseu, Portugal: Escola Superior de Educação. DOI: https://doi.org/10.34633/978-989-54743-0-1

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