IPL/2022/AE.Maps_ESELx | [AE.Maps] Aprendizagens essenciais: mapear para promover a integração curricular

Duration: 2022 – 2023

Principal Researcher

Bianor Valente

Team Members

Ana Caseiro
Nuno Melo
Nuno Ferreira
Maria João Silva
Lina Brunheira

Research line:
Educational Policies, Teaching Methods and Training

This project aims to facilitate the seamless horizontal and vertical articulation of curricula for (future) primary teachers. Our central objective is to achieve this through the creation of a multimedia prototype designed for interactive consultation of Essential Learnings. Additionally, an atlas featuring maps with learning progressions will be developed. The overarching goal is to provide comprehensive support to educators in enhancing the coherence and integration of essential concepts across different curriculum dimensions.
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