2021-1-FR01-KA220-SCH-000030110 | [ECOSCOMICS] Co-construção europeia de uma coleção de Bandas Desenhadas Científicas para formato Web

Duration: 2022 – 2025

CI&DEI´s Principal Researcher

Bianor Valente

Team Members

Paulo Maurício


Erasmus +

Research line:
Educational Policies, Teaching Methods and Training

The Erasmus+ project ECOSCOMICS aims to promote, among primary and secondary school students, a better understanding of current topics related to global environmental issues, such as climate change, energy issues, and biodiversity. This is achieved through the creation of an innovative and engaging educational resource resulting from a partnership between science and the arts (cartoonists). The final outcome of the project is the production of a series of eight comic book episodes about science. The project involves an association responsible for creating digital comic books related to science, as well as higher education institutions in Portugal, Germany, Spain, France, and Poland.
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