The CERNAS-IPV is a Management Unit of the research center CERNAS, the Center for Natural Resources, Environment, and Society, recognized as a Research Unit by the Foundation for Science and Technology. It has been assessed and received the classification of "Very Good" in the current evaluation cycle.
The CERNAS has three units, one at the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (Main Management Unit), another at the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, and the third at the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, bringing together the agricultural education institutions of the Central Region of the country. More information can be consulted at
CERNAS-IPV’s objectives and mission are those defined by CERNAS, producing research in the fields of Agrarian Sciences, Food Science, Environment Engineering and Society, thus promoting sustainable development on a regional basis as part of a global intervention.
At the Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, CERNAS-IPV involves areas from two of its organic units: the Escola Superior Agrária de Viseu, in the fields of agricultural and food sciences, and the Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu, in the domain of the sciences of the environment.

Escola Superior Agrária de Viseu
ESAV, officially created on December 19th, 1994 (LD no. 304/94), is one of the organic units of the Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, integrating the Portuguese public higher education network, in terms of polytechnic education. Thus, the tradition continued, as the city of Viseu had the privilege of being a pioneer in Agricultural Education in Portugal through the creation of the Escola Prática de Agricultura de Viseu, by Decree in December 16th, 1852.
ESAV intends to transmit and disseminate knowledge, with a view to training students with a high level of skills in the fields of agrarian, food and veterinary sciences; promote applied research and its dissemination, cultural, scientific and technological exchange with similar institutions, national and international, and the relationship with the business community, in order to contribute to the development of the region and the country.
ESAV is in a prime area of the city of Viseu, in Quinta da Alagoa, with about 23 hectares. Possessing countless cultures, especially the vineyard, the orchard and the olive grove. It also has livestock production structures for sheep, goats, cattle, birds and rabbits, as well as a Veterinary Nursing Center and laboratories, with technologies that allow the acquisition of skills in various technical and scientific domains.

Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu
ESTGV is an organic unit for teaching and research integrated in the IPV. It was created by LD no. 46/85, 22nd of November, with the Management course being the first to operate in the 1987/1988 school year. It has seven departments, including the Environment Department, and a very varied training offer including CTESP, Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.
The Environment Department carries out its activities in the field of environmental, earth and energy sciences and technologies.

Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Lamego
ESTGL is an organic unit of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu endowed with Administrative, Scientific, and Pedagogical autonomy.
Aimed at initial training in scientific fields that can more directly intervene in the activity of the economic and productive sectors of its area of coverage, including training offered in the area of Tourism and applied research to nature tourism, rural tourism, and regional development.