• The paper presented by Maria Lúcia Pato at ICES 2021 - 11th Iberian Entrepreneurship Conference was awarded an Honorable Mention •
Maria Lúcia Pato, lecturer at the School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu and Member of the Research Center CERNAS and Margarida Lourosa, a student on the Veterinary Nursing course at the Escola Superior Agrária de Viseu (ESAV) received an Honorable Mention for their presentation of the work "Honeybed" - a veterinary product with potential market acceptance, as part of CIEM 2021 - the 11th Iberian Entrepreneurship Conference - promoted by Empreend - the Portuguese Association for Entrepreneurship and the Complutense University of Madrid - Spain, which took place from December 14 to 16, 2021 under the slogan "GREEN DEAL: ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE "POST" COVID-19 ERA. "
As in previous editions, which mobilized several hundred researchers and professionals dedicated to the various areas of entrepreneurship, the aim was for this edition to be an excellent opportunity to share the research work carried out at the institution.