• Launch of the book by CERNAS-IPV researchers •
Pontes entre Agricultura Familiar e Agricultura Biológica. Coleção iberografias, nº 37, 237 pp., Edição: Centro de Estudos Ibéricos (CEI) e Âncora editora.
Costa, C. A., Parente, C., Aguiar, A., Guiné, R., Costa, D., Correia, H. E., Correia, P., Chaves, C. (2020)
6 march, Biblioteca Municipal Eduardo Lourença, Guarda
The launch of the book that resulted from the research project co-financed by the IPV in partnership with Caixa Geral de Depósitos PROJ/CI&DETS/CGD/0006 "Bridges between family farming and organic farming", which won the first edition of the CEI-IIT Prize - Research, Innovation and Territory, promoted by the Center for Iberian Studies, in June 2017, in modality 2 "Innovation in low-density territories".