IPL/2022/MOOCS4ALL | [MOOCS4ALL] MOOC de estatística e matemática para todos

Duration: 2021 – 2022

Principal Researcher

Carla Martinho

CI&DEI´s Principal Researcher

Carlos Luz

Research line:
Educational Policies, Teaching Methods and Training

Online teaching, also known as distance learning or distance education (EaD), is a type of education through which the necessary and thoughtful use of technology is made, so that the learning of students or trainees is meaningful.
Online teaching, pure or hybrid, is per se a major challenge for any higher education institution (HEI), not only due to the newness of the model, but also due to the growing demand it has had in the last two years.
In this context, HEIs must promote and develop new forms of learning that can not only complement the training of their students but also enhance the attraction of others, who in an exclusively face-to-face manner might not be able to access knowledge and/or higher education.
The main aspects of this project are therefore related to the need for pedagogical innovation in an area that crosses several areas of knowledge: statistics and mathematics using gamification, video classes and e-assessments.
This investigation was designed in several phases, proposing:
1. Identify the best practices for developing MOOCs in the area of statistics and mathematics.
2. Carry out a MOOC introducing data analysis, descriptive statistics in three versions using Excel, SPSS and the free programming language R, thus being able to reach a wider audience.
3. Carry out a module of mathematical content in microlearning aimed at candidates over 23 and students who need to remember content.
4. Evaluate the impact on learning of the implemented MOOCs.
The appropriate methodology for research work and implementation of pedagogical innovation resources and which will support this investigation is the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation).
To develop this project, the team includes teachers/researchers from different schools at IPL, IPV, Universidade Lusíada and the University of Extremadura, with different experiences in teaching research in a face-to-face and online context, in the areas in which the project is based. insert.
With this project, the aim is to contribute to the knowledge of new teaching methodologies and to the pedagogical innovation of IPL within the scope of its EaD policy, extending the results of this experience to the entire scientific community, through participation in two international congresses and two articles in indexed journals.
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