2022-1-PT01-KA210-SCH-000082615 | BEEUC Be a European Union Citizen

Duration: 2022 – 2024

CI&DEI´s Principal Researcher

Pedro Tadeu

Team Members

Carlos Brigas

Research Line:
Educational Policies, Teaching Methods and Training




BEEUC has two main objectives:
1) raise the awareness of the importance of European Citizenship in persons (especially youngsters) belonging to regions that generally are outside of the decision centres within our countries – inclusion and diversity across intercultural and intergenerational fields;
2) promote European citizenship with the help of the different countries’ art forms (music, dance, band,…) – European identity, citizenship and values;
BEEUC results:
1) website in 3 languages to share the ideas, thoughts and points of view from participants regarding the implications of the EU in our own lives;
2) BEEUC project book – EU Identity, From Past to Success;
3) 5 minutes performance using the experience of the partners in specific parts (Choir, Band, Dance) “EU calls – from the inside of EU to the heart of EU”;
1) Raise the auto confidence of the persons coming from the profound interior of the 3 countries. They also make part of the EU, and together they want to achieve a sustainable coexistence within the EU, they belong to the EU also;
2) Awareness of the importance of the EU parliament, the place to decide essential guidelines that will produce real effects on every EU citizen.

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